What we have funded

We have been a registered charity since 2005, over this time we have raised several hundred thousand pounds for the school. You may not realise it but items funded by the PTFA can be found in almost any room at the school.

Here are some of the more recent items we have funded.

Adventure Playground

In the School's 50th year, the School and the PTFA worked together to fund raise to create the schools dream space for the children, containing a trim trail and a whole new surface for the area. The adventure playground was put in over summer 2023 and the children have been using it ever since.

Canopy in EYFS Garden

EYFS love their garden and spend many hours outside, the garden though had little shade for those summer months, in March 2024 a new canopy area was installed.

Classroom rugs

Insect rugs were purchased for EYFS, Y1 & Y2 in Autumn 2019 not only have they brightened up the classrooms but made it easier for the children to know where to sit on the carpet.

Carnival Float

Every year our school takes part in Thame Carnival, the PTFA funds the materials used in our amazing floats!

Calm Boxes

The school has calm boxes in each classroom that are accessible to all children, the PTFA funds these and the replenishment of them.


The PTFA over the course of several years has fully funded every smart board in the school, that is a total of 21 with the final board being put in over Summer 2022! The old smart boards were at the end of their life and often had issues. Smart boards are a key piece of equipment in each classroom and make a huge difference to the childrens learning.

Sensory Room

The school, with the PTFA's funding, created a sensory room in 2020, called the Rainbow room. 

Library Refresh

In September 2019 the school library benefitted from a refresh with new books, furniture and soft furnishings funded by the PTFA. The library is now used by every child in the school with classes allocated regular slots, the PTFA makes available funding each year to keep the library stock in good condition and up to date. The school also runs a scheme with The Book house where members of the school can buy books or vouchers directly for the benefit of the school.

Story chair & stools

In 2022 the PTFA funded a story chair and stools within our Forest school area.

EYFS Playground

In 2015 the PTFA were asked to fund the artificial grass in the EYFS playground, enabling children to play out in all weathers.

In 2024 the PTFA funded the "road" and traffic signals  for the garden.